Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Support the Arts!

Quick, grab some awesome Art, now is the time to dig deep down the back of the sofa and invest in something which will make you and the artist feel happier every day.


And sorry if you are feeling a bit left out but next year you will have to buy not only knittygritty scarves but also my prints. I'm going to a print making workshop for people affected by cancer (Arts for Health).

Currently I feel like producing an enormous mono print homage to Mark Rothko.

I'm sure I'll feel more jolly by Christmas.

And don't forget:


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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Idiopathic, me?

Warfarin is not fun, it involves lots of blood tests which take seconds and then hanging around hospital with loads of other ill people for hours catching bugs, but at least I don't have to stab myself with heparin anymore. And much to the old mans annoyance, I now have a very good reason to avoid the following foods:
• beef liver,
• pork liver,
• green tea,
• kale,
• turnips,
• Brussels sprouts,
• parsley,
• and spinach.

Ha ha!

Here's some ideas for really useful Christmas presents for anyone you know who's a bit under this horrible British weather.

You may not have such a good chum as Zelda who can get you to a Greek Island for a gorgeous holiday but you could be like my sister and get all the ironing sorted out? fantastic! Or send around a lovely man to clean your friends oven? Thank you Chitra. brilliant! And everyone needs a neighbour like Rozanne, who has dropped in with various meals. Yummy! You could be like Alexa and be a super-online supermarket, many thanks! Just call your friend if you are off to the supermarket and do an extra shop for them. Joy has given me heaps of wool, yes you are all getting scarves again, and she's made me laugh (a lot). And the old man has been the best Taxi driver ever.

So there's a few thoughts, why not give something useful this year?

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Thursday, 1 November 2012

Time for the rat poison

right off we go...

Spent another morning at my new home. Royal Sussex County Hospital, being told how to take Warfarin (rat poison) safely... lah dee dah. All I have to do is stop eating anything healthy. I must avoid binge drinking so I think a life of permanent drunkenness is preferable. I should avoid anything with vitamin K in it. And I must carry a card AT ALL TIMES saying 'shoot the bitch'.

(Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in the blood-clotting process. Vitamin K deficiency is rare because vitamin K is stored in fat and also produced by the digestive tract. However, if you are taking the blood-thinning medication warfarin, or other medications that Vitamin K affects, you should avoid foods that contain vitamin K, which can lower the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications and increase your risk for developing blood clots. Consult your doctor before adjusting your vitamin K intake.)

Avoid eating green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, spinach, kale, lettuce, parsley, Brussels sprouts (hu-bloody-rah) among others. Green leafy vegetables contain high levels of vitamin K and should be avoided when possible. Although cauliflower is not green, it should also be avoided. (Again, good) Choose other vegetables, such as squash, onions, cucumber and carrots. But not too much garlic.

Thank you Mooch and Mags for cheering my day up with a new hair colour and head massage.

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