Saturday, 24 August 2013

Brighton rocks

The old man spotted this and it seems to sum up a soggy Bank Holiday Weekend in Brighton.
Harry is still celebrating his GCSE results, Bill is happy living with his 'professional ladies' in London
and Polly is enjoying the heat in Gibraltar. And currently there's quite a bit of heat.
We were talking to her on Skype and I was distracted by a fundamental thought; how on earth does Skype work? And for free!
I don't even understand how planes fly or a homing pigeon knows where home is, so let's just not go any further.

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Sunday, 18 August 2013

Let's go fly a kite

To be honest, this photo wasn't taken by me, or this one,

But since it was such a lovely windy sunny day we took a walk along the seafront and watched all the aerial acrobatics that a giant quaver can produce.

And it was exhilarating watching them all flying around, just missing the surfers. So of course seeing all that exercise made us hungry so

we made a visit to the Brunswick Festival to see Gordon and Elena, who make the best paellas and curries. Business must be good because instead of one enormous pan they had three, plus loads of helpers, chopping, slicing and stirring. In between all their hard work, they gave us a tremendous welcome.

There were also more cupcake stalls than is healthy.

And when did charity shop stuff all become 'vintage'? there was a lot of toot but I grabbed this for £1.60 cos that was all I had.

Then the old man, who has never understood the concept of the thrill of finding a bargain said to the girl on the stall 'oh hang on, I've got some more change'...

Anyway, if you want to buy some gorgeous cakes, for more reasons than just your tummy, come to the coffee morning we are having for Macmillan at the end of September. Don't worry, I will remind you, regularly!

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Friday, 9 August 2013

Summer in the city

The old man and I took our lovely nieces and nephews onto the pier this week.

Although we couldn't get any of them to go on the ghost train (poor Harry) or helter skelter, at least Ella got a tattoo. I feel it is an Aunties duty to cause chaos where ever she goes. We all had ice creams from Maroccos which were delicious and finished the day watching Ferris Bueller's day off.

The ice creams have been arriving fast at our house since the old man bought an ice cream maker. The diet's on hold until we have tried them all. The rhubarb and custard is under construction currently.

Yesterday we tested the raspberry and cream on my sister, she said it was yummy.

The gooseberry ice cream could have been a bit more interesting maybe mixed with some elderflower.

The lemon ice cream was OK.

Grannie's blackcurrants were put to good use.

But the favourite so far is good old strawberries and cream.

They say 'never work with children or animals' but I caught this in Arundel on Pirates Day.

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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

The men in my life

The Marx Brothers would be on my desert island just to make me laugh.

And the island would be the land of Homer, Ithaca.
Bruce would sing to me. And Captain Scarlett would do Cary Grant impersonations, but not at the same time. A couple of Sporty boys would keep me fit and Sean would remind me of the old man. 

Jonas Kauffman would also sing, I like a sing song.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Pilates Matt

In my quest to 'get better' I go twice a week to the Dolphins for Physiotherapy and swimming. Then I go to Pilates with more physiotherapists who tell me where I'm going wrong. I see my dentist every three months to try and control the wobbly bits. I'm trying, honestly.

Then I realised, its all in the name,

my dentist is Mr Fillery,

my GP is Dr Cramp,

and now my new Physio is Pilates Matt.

What's the likelyhood of that happening, eh?

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