Wednesday, 11 January 2012

proper prof

I remembered the list and the handsome prof patiently went through the ramblings of a middle aged woman. He took my first question a bit too literally and I explained 'how much longer' meant how much longer will the effects of chemo last? The prof said after the final stab it would be six to eight weeks to feel vaguely human and up to a year to get back to wherever I left off.

The breathlessness is because I'm not producing enough red blood cells, so my lungs are 20% deflated.

The radiotherapy has to be discussed with another oncologist cos the prof only knows everything about chemotherapy.

The spa was frowned upon so fortunately my guardian angel has booked a lovely hotel in Kefalonia. Finally I have something to look forward to at the end of June!

I will have to take Tamoxifen and the prof asked why I put 'squits' on the list. I explained that like most of the nation, I couldn't spell diarrhoea. I didn't stop at pebble dashing the porcelain.

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