Sunday, 19 February 2012

a present from the district nurse

By popular demand, here is the Bristol Stool form scale. I never knew it would be so popular...

But just when you think it's all over, don't forget what goes in has to come out. Never one to boast, but I've had all of these in ONE day.

Beat that, botty people.

On a more interesting note, not to say worrying, my 14 year old son went off to London last night to meet his elder brother. Good thing I was too drugged up to panic. He got to Vauxhall, only changing trains twice, aaaaggghhh, on a Saturday night, aaaagggghh, and is now working/running with Bill on a film.

He is going to be so smug when he comes home... Coen brothers watch out. He is going to film my hair regrowing, so let's hope it does. Working title only: "Regrowth."

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