All my chickadees have flown the nest, Polly to Gibraltar, Bill to Brazil, at the carnival in Rio and Harry's going to Paris.

I just hope Harry doesn't think that he's going to bump into Lautrec or Matisse.
Polly just skyped us from Gibraltar and she is up to her wooden spoons creating fantastic cookies for all those romantics today.
She's doing all of this whilst planning her wedding this summer. She's multi tasking really well, firstly squashing 150 people into a church which only holds 120 people max!
Just about everything is done except finding Cinderella's shoes, what's wrong with these?

And we have the responsibility of the wedding cake, I'll feed you crumbs of info about that later...

Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday Ned and don't forget the promise X
oooh I say, the old man's gone all soppy.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

All my chickadees have flown the nest, Polly to Gibraltar, Bill to Brazil, at the carnival in Rio and Harry's going to Paris.

I just hope Harry doesn't think that he's going to bump into Lautrec or Matisse.
Polly just skyped us from Gibraltar and she is up to her wooden spoons creating fantastic cookies for all those romantics today.

Just about everything is done except finding Cinderella's shoes, what's wrong with these?

And we have the responsibility of the wedding cake, I'll feed you crumbs of info about that later...

Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday Ned and don't forget the promise X
oooh I say, the old man's gone all soppy.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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