I'm baking Paul Hollywood. I can't stand Nigella, why does she insist on calling everyone 'daahlinnng'?

I have started swimming again and it's great. I've been twice this week, probably just as well since Clare has organised a fundraiser for Oxfam which just involves eating lots of cakes.
I have spent the afternoon trying to produce some edible wonders and I'm not a domestic goddess but I'm not stuck with Charles Saatchi either.

But I think the scrambled egg muffins may not raise much money, this is when you need a dog... They can hide the evidence. In fact the word has already spread, Alexa has to walk the dog so she can't come, Sarah is at boot camp in Scotland? Why? There's nothing of her and Joy has got the Noro virus, so she can't leave her loo, poor thing, at least it wasn't my Orange Burst Easter muffin that made her ill. Yet.
hrscreative are holding a coffee morning to raise awareness and money, to transform the lives of women living in poverty around the world.

Why not Celebrate International Women's Day with Oxfam?
It would be great if you could join us.
Friday 8th March 2013
10am - 2pm
Star Brewery, Castle Ditch Lane,
Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1YJ
You might think Oxfam’s work to empower women living in poverty solely occurs abroad in developing countries. But there’s amazing work being carried out on our doorstep.
Check out Oxfam's website for more details on their work.
If you want to make a difference, please support our event, drink coffee (or tea) and eat homemade cakes.
And Mary Berry, you don't have to give up the day job.

I have started swimming again and it's great. I've been twice this week, probably just as well since Clare has organised a fundraiser for Oxfam which just involves eating lots of cakes.
I have spent the afternoon trying to produce some edible wonders and I'm not a domestic goddess but I'm not stuck with Charles Saatchi either.

But I think the scrambled egg muffins may not raise much money, this is when you need a dog... They can hide the evidence. In fact the word has already spread, Alexa has to walk the dog so she can't come, Sarah is at boot camp in Scotland? Why? There's nothing of her and Joy has got the Noro virus, so she can't leave her loo, poor thing, at least it wasn't my Orange Burst Easter muffin that made her ill. Yet.
hrscreative are holding a coffee morning to raise awareness and money, to transform the lives of women living in poverty around the world.

Why not Celebrate International Women's Day with Oxfam?
It would be great if you could join us.
Friday 8th March 2013
10am - 2pm
Star Brewery, Castle Ditch Lane,
Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1YJ
You might think Oxfam’s work to empower women living in poverty solely occurs abroad in developing countries. But there’s amazing work being carried out on our doorstep.
Check out Oxfam's website for more details on their work.
If you want to make a difference, please support our event, drink coffee (or tea) and eat homemade cakes.
And Mary Berry, you don't have to give up the day job.
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