Thursday, 18 July 2013

FIRE! you're kidding right?

So, there we all were, assembled in the pool, having just finished half an hour of physiotherapy and looking forward to a swim, and what happens? I'll tell you what happens... A blooming fire alarm.

Under normal circumstances, vacating a public swimming pool takes time, but we are the dolphins, and we take a bit longer. Most of us have a bit missing somewhere, and there's normally a selection of prosthetics, walking aids and waterproof wheelchairs at the side of the pool.

Like any self respecting swimmer, first we ignored the incessant oooeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr din of the alarm only to be shouted at by the would be Baywatch babe life guards that we HAD TO GET OUT NOW. It was prosthetics a-go-go and 'is this your crutch or are you just pleased to see me?' type of banter.

I said I wasn't going anywhere until I had a real fireman to lift me out. That's the trouble with lifeguards, no sense of humour... 

Once we had assembled at the OTHER END of the pool, Why? We were offered Marathon style silver foil wraps to keep us warm, in the hottest pool, on the hottest day, (there were no takers) whilst still listening to the incessant oooeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr din of the alarm. Sadly, no firemen appeared or any fire come to that. But it did mean we did what we do best, had a good old grumble.

 And to celebrate more Russians reading my blog, here's the story so far;
Таким образом, есть все мы, собравшиеся в бассейне, только завершив полчаса физиотерапии и с нетерпением жду плавать, и что же? Я скажу вам, что происходит ... Цветущие пожарной сигнализации.

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