Or how my son-in-law's bum ended up in our kitchen in Brighton.

Polly and I have always loved men's bums. So my challenge for their wedding was to give the bride and groom a cake they would always remember, it had to be from Brighton, with a Spanish twist, a bit of humour, include chocolate, be partially gluten free and show a bum...
There was only one place which could help and in Brighton too! Choccywoccydoodah. The best chocolate shop in the world. The plan was hatched just before Christmas with a rough by Dave, the master Choccy chocolatier.

After a tasting meeting with Henry in what can only be described as Willy Wonka's Wedding parlour, surrounded by splendid wedding cakes we agreed on the flavours; Three layers of chocolate sponge, chocolate ganache filling and loads of Belgian chocolate Spanish roses, a beautiful SeƱorita and a fantastic Matador later, we had us a cunning plan.

It had to be kept a secret, so we even made up a fake cake maker. We told Pol that unfortunately we couldn't afford Choccywoccydoodah. Which was true but hey, how often do you commission this kind of cake? so we had a quiet, inexpensive Christmas, and New Year and Easter, no family holiday...
Even Choccywoccydoodah were great when they knew the cake was a secret apart from when Henry rang and Polly answered the 'phone. I think I told her he was my lover which was fine with her. Not sure Henry would be as convinced... Anyway they arranged delivery to the reception when the happy couple were not around.
To give them their due, Polly and Alex were brilliant about their surprise wedding cake. Given that everything else had been planned, discussed, rowed over, changed, re-arranged, cried about and nearly thrown out of the window, they trusted us magnificently. The mad fools.

And they liked it, they really did. The wedding cake was surrounded by photos of all the grandparents at their weddings which was lovely.

Once the cake was devoured, no one could bring themselves to eat either Polly or Alex which is how come they both ended up in our kitchen. And they are very happy, even if they are on the shelf.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

There was only one place which could help and in Brighton too! Choccywoccydoodah. The best chocolate shop in the world. The plan was hatched just before Christmas with a rough by Dave, the master Choccy chocolatier.

Even Choccywoccydoodah were great when they knew the cake was a secret apart from when Henry rang and Polly answered the 'phone. I think I told her he was my lover which was fine with her. Not sure Henry would be as convinced... Anyway they arranged delivery to the reception when the happy couple were not around.
To give them their due, Polly and Alex were brilliant about their surprise wedding cake. Given that everything else had been planned, discussed, rowed over, changed, re-arranged, cried about and nearly thrown out of the window, they trusted us magnificently. The mad fools.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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