Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Every which way... and lose

Took the wig out for tea at the Grand Hotel. The Grand Hotel is on Brighton seafront and it's very windy. You can guess the rest. I now look like an orang-utan, except he's got more hair.

The picture makes my husband look good.

I met a fantastic lady this week who also had a wig alert in the Ashdown Forest. Her wig blew off and her dog ran after it because he thought it was a rabbit! She was great, having survived breast cancer and ovarian cancer and was an inspiration.

To stop the mouth ulcers and swollen tongues, use chlorhexidine gluconate, antiseptic mouthwash. It turns your teeth pink but it does help with the mouth problems.

My loving 'been there' sister gave me a present last week. I thought, way hey, finally an Ipad... no but nearly though. She gave me incontinence pads... and if that wasn't enough she also gave me haemorrhoid ointment, gaviscon double action pills and cystitus granules.

and here's another reason to hate Cameron:
what a banker

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