Sunday 18 May 2014

Cadiz, and swiftly

'Use the occasion, for it passes swiftly.'

OK Polly, maybe not...

And maybe not for vegetarians

Or pescetarians

Or swimmers

Or Lego officienados

Or Swifts

These little marvels are the best anti mosquito chums you could ever need. And they arrive at your window at dawn and dusk to eat any nasty invaders.

Common swifts are gregarious birds that nest, roost, migrate and hunt in groups. They favour a life on the wing and are unique in their ability to stay airborne for extended periods, spending entire days aloft and only landing to feed young or roost. Swifts fly at least 560 miles per day during the nesting season. They also mate and forage whilst in the air. Their specially adapted grasping feet allow them to occupy vertical surfaces such as chimneys, which other birds would have difficulty inhabiting.

Bet you didn't know that. And all in Cadiz.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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